The Personal Story Behind Our New "Prep Line"
L Lexi Breunig

The Personal Story Behind Our New "Prep Line"

Jun 27, 2024 · sensory kit · sensory learning · sensory play · shop small

As we prepare to launch our new "Prep Line" of sensory kits next month, we wanted to share a bit about the deeply personal experiences that inspired this collection.
Over the past few years, Present Not Perfect has navigated many of life's biggest transitions - both joyful and heartbreaking. From adding new babies to our families, to uprootings through moves, to the loss of loved ones entirely too soon.
With children of our own being pulled through these whirlwinds of change, we were reminded how few resources existed to genuinely prepare and support little ones in play based ways.
Our goal is to fill that glaring gap by creating meaningful, multi-sensory tools to prepare children for any variety of life's challenges before they unfold, and find meaningful ways for families to connect and go deeper in discussing these big moments even long after.
Each kit fuses evidence-based practices with thoughtful activities and conversations to build resilience. From moving to a new home, to welcoming a sibling, to processing grief over losing someone they love, these first-of-their-kind resources were quite literally made by parents who have been there.
Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we share more details about "The Prep Line" and how these transformative kits can help families.
Let us know if there are other topics you would like to see a kit made for to support your family with!
Emily & Abbie

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